The following are a few contact organizations which could prove most useful for dealing with anxiety and depression.


ANXIETY CARE     020 8478 3400                 UK

Helpline and other support for people with anxiety problems, obsessive compulsive disorders and phobias and their carers.

Helpline open Monday and Wednesday 10am - 3pm


HOPE                     020 7729 9418                  UK

Help for people who suffer from panic or anxiety attacks

Helpline open Monday to Friday 10am - 12:30


NO PANIC             0800 808 0545                  UK

Helpline for people experiencing anxiety disorders such as phobias, obsessive/compulsive disorders, panic attacks and other related anxiety disorders.

Helpline open daily between the hours 10am - 10pm


LIFELINE                0800 808 2121                 UK

Helpline providing a listening service, emotional support and guidance through a current crisis.

Helpline open daily between 7pm - 11pm.


SUPPORTLINE       020 8554 9006                  UK

Helpline particularly for people who are socially isolated. vulnerable, at risk or experiencing any form of abuse. Subjects include relationships, child abuse, anger, bullying, eating disorders, self harm, domestic violence, rape and sexual abuse, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, addictions and phobias.

Helpline open Mondays 8pm - 11pm 


FIRST STEPS TO FREEDOM     01926 851608      UK

Helpline for anyone experiencing general anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, obsessive/compulsive disorders, tranquilizer withdrawal, anorexia, bulima etc.

Helpline open Monday to Friday 10am - 10pm.


D.A.S.S.                01926 851608             UK

Depression and Anxiety Support Services.

Helpline open 24 hours a day.


FOCUS LINE         08000 272127                         UK

This service provides support and information for anyone affected by mental health issues.

Helpline open 24 hours a day


MIND                   0845 766 0163                UK

Leading mental health organization in England and Wales, providing a unique range of services through its local associations, to enable people with experience of mental distress to have a better quality of life. No helpline number so calls can only be taken during office hours - sorry !


AWARE                        1890 303 302    NI/EIRE

AWARE is a voluntary organization which has dozens of local Self-help Groups throughout the whole of IRELAND / EIRE.

Helpline open 7 days a week from 10am - 10pm. From Thursday to Sunday, the helpline is open after 10pm



A national organization dedicated to upholding the rights - and addressing the needs of all of those affected by schizophrenia and related illnesses.

HELPLINE open Mon. Wed. Fri 12pm to 4pm. Tue 3.30 to 7.30 pm and Thur 10am to 2pm.


 0800 14 ANXIETY                         0800 14

Organization providing information and support for those suffering with Anxety. Phobias. Panic Conditions. OCD. PTSD. Depression. Sress Related Disorders. Helpline operates 24-hour a day

SADAG                      (011) 783-1474      ZA


SA Depression & Anxiety Group Can help you find a psychiatrist, psychologist, or GP with special interest in mental health in your area. Helpline is staffed by trained counsellors.

Helpline operated  (8am - 7pm Monday to Saturday)



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