DASI   'Derbyshire Anti Suicide Initiative'.
DASI is pronounced "DAISY". The philosophy here being that whilst we can still see daisies - we are NOT pushing them up.
Originally DASI was intended to help anyone undergoing a suicidal crisis in Derbyshire (A county in the heart of England). However, that soon expanded to include anyone in the UK and EIRE.
Now....DASI is attempting to relaunch itself to provide a useful information and support hub for anyone, anywhere in the English speaking world. Be it Dublin in Ireland, or Dublin in California. Dundee in Kwazulu Natal, or Dundee in Angus. Washington DC or Washington Tyne and Weir. Melbourne Derbyshire or Melbourne Victoria. Halifax, West Yorkshire or Halifax Nova Scotia. Christchurch, South Island or Christchurch in Dorset.

One of the main motivators for DASI was September 10 2005. This important day was designated World Suicide Prevention Day. Which is strange, because I didn't hear or read one word about this 'signifcant' date in the British media. If it wasn't for the Internet, and many well informed and highly specialist websites from around the English speaking world,  I would never have noticed.
Not only did this underlined the global nature of the problem. But it also demonstrated  the potential of the Internet to actually do something positive about it - on a global stage.
For too long suicide has been ignored, or treated as some form of unwelcome inheritance. A genetic abnormality in the family genes, which no member of the family feels comfortable talking about. In this respect:  Suicide Stands Alone.
Unlike the 'doomsday' viruses of our present  age which appear to develop and spread at an alarming rate: Only to be replaced by another as soon as a pharmaceutical giant develops another miracle cure. Suicide truly stands alone.
It stands out from modern diseases such as the AIDS virus and other doomsday viruses. These new "plagues" seemingly emerge at a random time and place, and are then transported across the face of the planet to destroy their victims. Compare this with suicide, heart disease and cancer where the cause of death is always within each and everyone of us.
However, the anti AIDS campaign is an exemplary campaign and can teach us much about how to combat health issues on a global stage,
First and foremost, suicide needs to be universally identified, perceived and acknowledged to be the global killer which it is.
Then - it can be addressed by the global community.
Until then, we the English speaking peoples, can play an invaluable role in the raising of global awareness. If we  join together to attack suicide through every possible means.  Any partial success we achieve (individually or collectively) no matter how small - would save lives. Prevent a lot of human suffering, and provide a long overdue beacon of hope for the rest of our species.

If you are currently suicidal please click on the following link

Please Wait





If you have run away from home then please click below



Good Luck


Coping strategies are all-important. The following click on link provides a number of specialist websites all containing coping strategies...






Searching for Coping Strategies?



Are you being abused? If so, please click onto...



options2abuse Website


Suicide and

Suicide Prevention



  • This initiative is heavily committed to helping to prevent suicide. However, neither this (nor any other) website is an alternative to professional assistance. 
  • Secondly, this website contains some graphic material that could disturb. If you feel that you could be disturbed by such material  - then please go no further. This is not the site for you.
  • These sites are non-commercial and are being provided in the hope of helping a fellow human being to survive a suicidal crisis.
  • This initiative is not involved in mental health provision in any way, shape or form.

This initiative is not funded and is volunteer based, and I should know - I am that volunteer.


Click On Websites and Webpages...



Universal Truths


We call it SUICIDE


Suicide around The World


The Global Scale of Suicide


The Statistics are Under-estimates


Coping with your own failed suicide


Coping with the failed suicide of a loved one


Managing Stress Better


Suicidal Thoughts


Becoming Overwhelmed


Becoming Overwhelmed - Don't Do It - VENT IT.


The Suicidal Crisis


The Paradox of Suicide


Suicide is always premature


Suicide is Contagious


Professional Help or Self Help?


Unable to tell Anyone


Home Truths


A Plan For Life


Recognising Warning Signs in Others


Is someone you know suicidal?


The Best Way To Help


Supporting Someone


Helping a loved one through TRAUMA


A Message to every Man  


A Message to every woman


Adolescent Suicide


What constitutes Suicide?


Think of the message we leave


Suicide Risk Assessment


What constitutes Attempted Suicide? 


What constitutes PARASUICIDE?


Parasuicide & Suicide Prediction


Assisted Suicide / Euthanasia


When Suicide Goes Wrong


What triggers Suicide?


Suicide's Primary Cause & Possible cure


The Role of Loss in Suicide


The Nature of Loss


Reacting to Loss


The Anticipation of Loss


Self Image and Self Esteem

Shame and embarrassment


Stigma and Suicide


Debt and Suicide


Bullying & Suicide


Mental Illness & Suicide


Suicide & Insanity


Medication and Suicide


None of the above


Bereaved by Suicide


Information & Support


Heartfelt Condolences


Legacy of Suffering


The Healing Process and coming to terms with GRIEF




There's always HOPE and INSPIRATION



























































How we might be able to change ourselves


The intention of this section was to provide a facility which would allow anyone to download the following FREE leaflets dealing with the following issues.



Are You Having Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings?  


Feeling Suicidal but unable to tell anyone?


Could someone you know be suicidal?


Do who know of someone who might be suicidal but doesn't speak English?


Listening to someone who is suicidal



However. So far the downloading facility is proving to be problematic. Sometimes it seems to work OK, sometimes it doesn't. Accordingly (for the time being) the best suggestion I can make is to... (A) Click on to the link. The leaflet appears. (B) Click on to File. Scroll down and click on Print. (C) Select print ALL. There are only 2 sheets and this will give you both.



Suicide is not a solution.                       

Suicide is an end...

before a solution is found






options 2suicide

FINALLY: If you are currently undergoing a suicidal crisis you are at a crossroads in your life. Please Click here and good luck to you


Produced in Derbyshire.