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"Suicide is never a choice. Suicide happens when our pain exceeds our resources for coping with that pain".
Having said that... What is suicide ?

The name "suicide" was first coined in the year 1651 by a Walter Charlton. Prior to that it was known (and regarded) throughout the English speaking world as 'self-murder'. Being regarded as self-murder the act was (naturally) a crime and as such was actually punished.

The actual name 'Suicide' is attributed to the act of 'self-termination'. The physical act of deliberately ending (or taking) one's own life. Nothing more, nothing less. Suicide refers to the physical act of self-destruction, and the name itself is said to mean:"the killing of self".

However, when the "self" is no longer the "self"... Which is to say... When the "self" has been (or is being) completely overwhelmed by intolerable pain/suffering/agony... It is NOT the "self" that one kills - it is the pain/ suffering/ agony which has become (or is becoming)"intolerable" that one kills (that has replaced the "self") that one kills - NOT the "self".

This killing of pain/suffering has a name. It is actually called PENACIDE. Whilst suicide refers to "the killing of self" the true universally unacknowledged  cause of suicide is actually PENACIDE.

So, what is penacide?
Whilst Suicide has been (and is) described as the "killing of self:" Penacide has been (and is) described as "the killing of pain". Yet the two have not been seriously linked. Yet consider this...
Simply taking an Asprin to 'kill' the pain of a headache IS penacide.  The self-extraction of a rotting/broken tooth - to end an agonising toothache IS penacide. The taking of any painkiller - to kill any pain - IS PENACIDE.
Moreover, the habitual consumption of alcohol (or recreational drugs) to deaden emotional pain IS also an attempt at penacide. Even physical self-harm/self-mutilation IS penacide. The list of examples is seemingly endless. But in it's most extreme form penacide is suicide.
The bottom-line is a paradox...
Our species has an inbuilt capacity to suffer pain and to experience agony. 
Whilst we have this capacity to suffer pain and to experience agony - we don't want to!  
Generally speaking: We will do anything we can to escape the suffering of agony.  This includes ending our own lives as the ONE SURE way to end the pain which is overwhelming us.
Hence suicide is penacide in it's purest form

Interestingly, whilst researching this project I noticed that there are a number of 'sites' that have reverted back to using the antiquated 'self-murder' description to justify their anti-euthanasia stance.



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Produced in Derbyshire.